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About DocsFUSION
Why use a Documents Management System (DMS)?
Documents are every company's assets. Anyone would keep their precious belongings safely and organized. Why not for a company's precious' documents and records?
How DocsFusion DMS serve as your Documents Management Solution?
DocsFusion can help your company achieve this aim through a set of easy-to-use features that allows targeted as well as automated documents filing. Hence, your users will not miss filing those important documents. DocsFusion is also packed with state-of-the-art technology that can perform automated documents profiling. The information unlocked from this process goes into automated reports that helps management to make critical planning decisions. This is maded possible by our product's capability for automated metadata capture without any OCR zone definitions needed.
A Powerful and Easy-to-use Documents Management System (DMS)
This product has also been painstakingly designed to avoid the common limitations that is so common amongst other DMS systems in the marketplace - including from matured products! It is conceptualized in a manner that upon implementation, all stakeholders will find every reason to use it.

Automated Filing
Simply mark your Office documents's status as FINAL and DocsFusion DMS will automatically file them into your chosen binder. No need to even prior login to the DMS (Documents Management System).
More than just documents management, your important emails can be easily filed too!

Powerful Search
Search quickly- by full text, keyword, filename, date, etc.. Search anywhere or by targeted filing locations.
Having problem finding documents because of OCR conversion errors? No problem. DocsFusion DMS's Fuzzy Search capability helps you find them. Say goodbye to browsing the entire DMS system.

Automated Data Capture
Ever wondered how useful it would be if the Documents Management System can pull information data from the documents and produce reports automatically? Imagine a stack of invoices and purchase orders that you scanned into the system. Other documents management solutions will just hold these documents as retrievable PDF docs.
​With DocsFusion, the PO number, date, company name and amount are automatically extracted without OCR Zone definitions needed. And these data goes automatically into reports such as Invoiced Amount by Year to Date, by Company, and so on.
The same concept can be applied to any other regular documents that you need to profile. Turn your DMS documents repository into a powerful report generator to help make critical planning decisions.

Workflow Now
An issue with workflow is that it will not start till somebody starts it. With DocsFusion, we have what we call "Workflow Now". User can pre-configure and stage a workflow. Once a new document is scanned in, DocsFusion's profiling engine will detect it belongs to a workflow and automatically routes it for approval. One staged workflow can handle multiple documents.
Hence, your documents are like sprinters that can get to work by itself. This is what we call Documents-Centric Collaboration - fast and efficient.
Both the manual and automated workflow types come with a variety of workflow settings (Standard, Consensus and Express) that suit your documents' needs. Users can also configure if the document's editing is allowed or not during the workflow process. We bring your DMS system to a whole new level!

Wide Support of File Types
DocsFusion DMS can be used to store files of any format and type. Be it you are filing only MS Office files or you are a software house looking to back up copies of program source codes, DocsFusion DMS provides the filing repository for all your needs.
AS for common file formats such as docx, xlsx, pptx, doc, xls, ppt, pdf, jpg, etc., the program will provide a pop-up thumbnail image upon filename mouse-over. This allows users to easily browse documents.
Everything in the Documents Management System is linked to ACL privilleges. So users can only search and browse documents which they have access rights to. Hence, everything is secured. Even the file format / edition downloadable can be controlled by ACL. You can now upload and share documents and records with confidence.

Granular Access Control
DocsFusion has an incredibly granular ACL control layer. On top of what other DMS can control, DocsFusion DMS can even dictate whether a Reader can download only the uneditable PDF version of an MS Office file that has been uploaded while allowing others to access the native version.
What truly sets DocsFusion DMS apart from its competition is the ability to handle staff movements. When a staff resigns, the Administrator can use DocsFusion's "Inherit Rights" function to grant a new hire to take over all of the departing staff's documents and records' rights - with just a click of the button.
DocsFusion DMS is also location-aware. Meaning a user wearing two hats, can have distinctly different document rights depending on which location he is logging in as. And when he relinquishes one of his roles, the corresponding document rights can be removed with ease without affecting the other role. Again, this is done with a click of the button. This is much easily handeld by other DMS or shared folders.

Manage Important Emails
More than ever, emails are becoming as critical as they are abundant in every organization. Now, you can use DocsFusion DMS to file important emails.
Stored emails will have its layout retained, along with any files attachments. Because it is like a document, users can share and set ACL rights. Even when shared with a hundred colleagues, the storage space is just that of one copy. Filing emails is easy - just click of a button within Outlook and it will be filed even if the user has not logged in to the DMS yet.
To manage emails, most companies think only of email archival products. While these accomplishes the task well, they do nothing but manage emails. With DocsFusion DMS, companies get a wholistic solution that encompasses not only emails but all files and hard copy documents.

Other Nifty Functions
There are many more useful functions. One is the module to handle ISO-type documents. During upload, Authors can choose to mark/stamp a document as DRAFT, CONTROLLED or OBSOLETE. In the backend, DocsFusion DMS will retrieve the correct image and stamp it on the document's pages. And when a document has been superceded by a newer copy, then the older version will automatically be stamped as OBSOLETE. Authors can also define which users accesses a PDF with stamp and whom see the version without stamp.
Another useful function is Watch Binder whereby a user can "subscribe" to a binder and be notified of any new uploads or changes.
Higher level management staff will also love DocsFusion DMS because it allows them to assign mundane documents scanning task to assistants without having to give them author rights to the destination binder. These and many more features. Contact us for a demo / discussion.